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Only quality content. 😎

This project was born as a digital memorial of facts, notions and moods that I would like to share anonymously (but not too much). I don’t have so much time on my hands due to work and personal life but I will do my best to be inconstant, but creating content but of quality.

Note. I don’t know if I will activate comments on articles, on the one hand I hate services like Disqus, on the other hand open-source ones require heavy modding to avoid spam. In any case comments, constructive criticism, corrections and additions are super welcome even privately.

The world needs Lightning Network

·67 mins
Let’s make a promise: I will try to explain what Lightning Network is without going into (too) much detail, but you will have to give me an hour of your time.

The failure of the modern economy

··31 mins
Who are we, where did we come from, and most importantly, why was Bitcoin born and what is its socioeconomic purpose?

Bitcoin 101: past, present and future

··115 mins
In this article I will talk about the most important facts related to Bitcoin, the current state of the protocol and possible future developments.